
The data endpoint lets you run preview searches and initiate downloads for business data.


If you set download=false (or don't set it), the data/businesses API call will return a list of matching businesses for your query.

  • If you don't set records when download=false, it will return up to 10 businesses.
  • You can set records to a value between 0 and 10 to return up to that many businesses.

If you set download=true, it will return a request object that can be used to monitor the status of the download request.

  • If you don't set records when download=true, it will initiate a download request for all matching businesses.
  • You can set records to a value between 1 and the number of matching businesses.

Response Codes and Messages

Response CodeError MessageWhat You Should Do
200N/AEverything worked! You should check out the awesome data you just requested.
400field name does not exist in business schemaMake sure you're using the correct name for a field. Consult the business data schema for available fields.
400invalid queryYour query syntax has a mistake somewhere. Check what you're setting for q for any mistakes.
400view does not existMake sure you're using the correct value for view. See a list of available views.
401N/AYou're using an invalid API token. Check out your account page on the Datafiniti Portal to make sure you have the right token.